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Allonby Primary School

Where everybody is somebody


The Teaching of Phonics at Allonby Primary School:

We use the Read, Write, Inc. scheme for the teaching of Phonics from Reception-Year 2, where children will move onto Spelling Rules from Years 2-6. We have chosen to use the scheme for the whole school to ensure consistency to the learning of phonics to then move onto applying these skills to learn spelling rules as children move up the school. We use the Read, Write, Inc. Freshstart scheme, when required, to support KS2 children who will continue to work on phonics with more age- appropriate texts.


The programme teaches children to read fluently and teaches them the skills they need to comprehend what they are reading in small, planned, sequential steps.  From Reception, our children will begin to be introduced to the routines and initial learning of Read Write Inc Phonics, in order to give them the strongest possible start. In Nursery, children will begin to work on initial sounds and will begin to use the routines of Read, Write, Inc. to prepare for Reception.


From the use of the Read Write Inc programme:

  • Children will learn the alphabetic code, initially learning one way of reading each of the 40+ sounds.
  • Children will be taught how to blend and apply this to break down and read words.
  • Children will learn to read alternative graphemes (ways of writing the sounds) for the sounds they have already learnt.
  • Reading books are closely matched to the phonics level of the child and will be sent home with children. These use repetition of the sounds and words they are using in class or have used previously and they build fluency and confidence for the child.
  • Story books will be used in Phonics lessons to develop comprehension alongside decoding. 


For more information about Read, Write, Inc, follow the link below:


Subject Leadership

Staff Lead- Mr Owen

Governor Lead- Mrs Potter

Intent, Implementation and Impact

Allonby School English Policy

Phonics Groups
