Welcome to our new Home learning Page that will hopefully provide you with as much help as possible during these unprecedented times. Allonby School is currently only open to vulnerable pupils and key worker's children until the government inform us that it is safe to invite other children back. Our staff are working hard to ensure that the children still learning from home are receiving the resources and support they need in addition to teaching vulnerable children and the children of key workers.
What are we doing to help?
Home Learning Links & Timetable
The Documents above provide an up-to-date, extensive list of live home learning links for each Key Stage that covers all curriculum subjects and a suggested daily timetable that you can follow if you wish.
We are currently using Tapestry as a platform to deliver home learning tasks. English and Maths tasks will be assigned to children daily, as well as Foundation Subject tasks being assigned on a Monday to complete over the week.
To access Tapestry, use this link: https://tapestryjournal.com/
We will also be regularly responding to any queries or comments made on Tapestry and marking the childrens work through returned comments.
Home Contact
Staff are making regular contact with parents to ensure you have everything you need to learn at home. If you need to speak to a member of staff please don't hesitate to contact us on 01900 881324 and leave us a voicemail message we will get back to you asap, send us an email at either admin@allonby.cumbria.sch.uk or head@allonby.cumbria.sch.uk or message us privately on our school Facebook page.
We are regularly posting new learning links and ideas including staff teaching and instructional videos to our Facebook page. Follow our page to receive regular updates https://www.facebook.com/AllonbyPrimarySchool/
We are planning on holding regular Class Zoom sessions on Wednesday Afternoons at 1.00 (KS1) and 1.30. (KS2) We hope to use this as a time for children to discuss how their home learning experience is going as well as using it as an opportunity to ask Staff any questions, if needed.
If this is well received the regularity of these sessions could increase.