SEE SCHOOL PROMOTIONAL VIDEO ON "ALL ABOUT US" It provides a filmed perspective of what Allonby School is all about and shows the enjoyment of the children as they receive a rich and varied curriculum 2024.
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Allonby Primary School

Where everybody is somebody


A visit from Daisy the lambπŸ‘

Beach School 26/3/24 πŸ–οΈ

Kaine, who works in IT for a local business, kindly offered to come in this afternoon to support the children in making their logo for business name for Brightstars project. They all did a fantastic job with great ideas and visions. A huge thank you for Kaine for his help.

A little treat to help us with our Maths!

Year 4 Hockey @ Solway School

We have been analysing the poem Nightmail and have answered questions based on information from the text.🌟

Kwik Cricket- 15.01.2024🏏

Brass session with Helen from BBE.

Jade won Dancer of the Week at her cheerleading club- she taught the class some of her moves!

Using maps to find where the Anglo-Saxons arrived in Britain.

Understanding poetry terminology and finding examples in our class poem β€˜Nightmail’.

KS2 Kwik Cricket

Applying Geography skills to RE- finding out where Christianity was founded.

Cookery club making sesame chicken noodles!

Christmas Jumper day πŸŽ…πŸΌ

Our final DT product looking at structures with Joe!

Some of our Phunky Foods work!

Atlas and map work in Geography.

Remembrance Artwork.

Year 6 Maths morning @Beacon Hill School.

Measuring Earth’s timeline with Mr Rennie.

Music performance work.

Visit to Newcastle Buddhist Centre.

We have been investigating whether statements are true or false using information from the text!βœ…βŒ

Y6 visit from Mr Bailey.

Hot-seating activity based on Farther.

Fantastic informative writing about the role of a Lighthouse keeper!

KS2 mini rounder’s competition

Volume work in Year 5

Analysing simulations in Computing!

KS2 Space Workshop- Cumbria Business Partnership

Mrs Jones came in to do some artwork based on Percy Kelly!

Ordering the planets of the Solar System🌞🌏πŸͺ

Y3 have been learning to divide using exchanging⭐️

SPaG match up- Y3/4 looked at time conjunctions and Y5/6 looks at ways of forming tenses!

Exploring amazing Allonby- identifying change and discussing why it has changed!

Rounders competition at Beacon Hill School

The Hougoumont session on the Beach with Joe

Bailey entered the Y6 Speaking Competition in Maryport!

Assembly with Mrs Jones about Thomas Richardson

Problem solving Maths morning in the sunshine β˜€οΈ

Finding non-unit fractions of amounts

RE posters about Sikh Gurus

Making dens using natural and man-made materials.

Thomas Richardson visit from Mrs Jones

Beach School- 10.5.2023

Year 5 Maths day at Solway School

Investigating Soils in Science with Mrs Clemetson

Problem solving in Maths!

Measuring and ordering volume using decibels.

Baking WWII carrot cake and writing instructions

End of World War 1 timelines.

Factor and multiple hunting in Maths!

Harvest Poems in Church

Remaking Lucy’s boat ready for her adventure (The Whale)

Our invertebrate hunt!

KS2 Beamish photos


Ordering and measuring mass.

KS2 Music for the weather!

Still image for this video

KS2 Music for the weather!

Still image for this video

Science- exploring voltages and electrical current.

Y5/6 Maths- identifying common factors and multiples.

Healthy Ways

KS2 Science Show

Cake fractions!

Decimal and tenths match ups - Year 3 and 4.

Look at our our decimal number line!

Lisa and Lesley from Workington Morrisons came to check on our Sunflowers.

Our Year 6 children in their leavers hoodies.

Planting Sunflowers!
