SEE SCHOOL PROMOTIONAL VIDEO ON "ALL ABOUT US" It provides a filmed perspective of what Allonby School is all about and shows the enjoyment of the children as they receive a rich and varied curriculum 2024.
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Allonby Primary School

Where everybody is somebody


The teaching of RE at Allonby School:

At Allonby School, we want all of our children to be considerate and show an understanding of a range of different religions or beliefs. Our RE curriculum allows children to learn about a range of religions and their beliefs. Children will also learn about values such as: friendship, forgiveness and peace.


Due to the nature of our school and our mixed age classes, RE in taught on a 2 year cycle in KS1 and a 4 year cycle in KS2.

Subject Leadership

Staff Lead- Miss Brown

Governor Lead- Moira Browes

Intent, Implementation and Impact


Pilgrimage assembly with Stuart.

KS2 have started a new topic of Christianity. They used their geography skills that they were taught last half term to use an atlas to find where Christianity was founded in Israel. They also described Jesus, the founder of Christianity.

Whole School Assemblies with Miss Day

KS2 visit to Newcastle Buddhist Centre

Learning about Sikh Gurus
