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Allonby Primary School

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Mathematics at Allonby School

At Allonby School, Maths is taught following the White Rose Scheme of Learning from Reception to Year 6. White Rose is a mastery programme, which is ambitious and accessible by all children and builds upon prior knowledge and skills. In KS2, learning is also consolidated through the use of Learning by Questions. Times Tables Rockstars is also used from Year 2 onwards, to allow children to build up their times tables knowledge and answer questions at speed in build-up and  practice for the Year 4 multiplication check. 


At Allonby School, Maths is taught to the following Year groups in mixed age classes, although each individual scheme of learning is taught to the specific year group, with topics being matched as carefully as possible within long term planning. 

Maths is currently taught in the following groups:

  • Reception
  • Years 1 and 2
  • Years 3, 4, 5 and 6

Subject Leadership

Staff Lead- Miss Brown

Governor Lead- Pam Jones


Intent, Implementation and Impact

Progression in Maths

Year 4- using arrays to represent factor pairs.

Year 2- using arrays

EYFS - identifying the value of numbers to 5.

Year 4- calculating area using squares.

Y4 times table revision- representing the 7 times table.

Year 4- multiplying and dividing by 6.

EYFS- comparing mass.

Year 6- representing square and cube numbers

Year 4- ordering numbers to 10,000

Year 6- identifying factors and common factors

Year 4- using Place Value counters to represent numbers to 10,000

Representing numbers

Exploring probability in Year 3
