SEE SCHOOL PROMOTIONAL VIDEO ON "ALL ABOUT US" It provides a filmed perspective of what Allonby School is all about and shows the enjoyment of the children as they receive a rich and varied curriculum 2024.
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Allonby Primary School

Where everybody is somebody


Allonby Primary School Curriculum

Our School Mission is to:
• Promote achievement and enjoyment for all subjects
• Expect the best for individuals
• To be inclusive of children of all abilities
• Inspire learning through a use of an engaging curriculum
• Collaborate with the community and make local links, whenever possible
• Continually strive to be effective


We like to ensure that we allow children the opportunity to learn outdoors, where possible. We use our curriculum drivers to develop our school mission and shape our curriculum. Our curriculum drivers are incorporated into all subjects and teaching.


"There are no seven wonders of the world in the eyes of a child. There are seven million."- Walt Streightiff

Curriculum Drivers

EYFS Curriculum Overview- 2023/24


Click here for the EYFS Curriculum Overview for 2023/24 


KS1 and KS2 Overview

If you have any questions regarding the curriculum we teach please contact the school directly.

01900 881324 or
