Places available from Nursery (3 years +) upwards "A caring and nurturing school, Pupils feel happy and safe in school, Pupils enjoy a curriculum that is rich and personalised, The quality of teaching across the school is going from strength to strength." OFSTED report October 2018
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Allonby Primary School

Where everybody is somebody


The Teaching of History at Allonby Primary School

At Allonby Primary School, we aim to inspire pupils to think curiously and creatively as young historians! 


During their time at Allonby School, children develop a complex knowledge of local and national history and become aware of history of the wider world and the impact it had on society. We want pupils to develop the confidence to think critically as historians, enquire about history, and be able to explain and analyse historical evidence from a range of sources.


Throughout our school History curriculum, which is based on the CUSP scheme of work, we aim for children to develop their own awareness of significant events and the significance of individuals in global, British and local history and identify how things have changed over time. History will support children to appreciate the complexity of people’s lives, the diversity of societies and the relationships between different groups, which will begin from a young age. Studying History allows children to appreciate the many reasons why people may behave in the way they do, supporting children to develop empathy for others while providing an opportunity to learn from mankind’s past mistakes.


We aim to support our pupils in building their chronological understanding, making connections over periods of time and developing a chronologically-secure knowledge of History. We hope to develop children;s understanding of how historians study the past and construct accounts and the skills to carry out their own historical enquiries as young historians. 


Due to our mixed age classes, KS1 History will be taught on a 2-year cycle and KS2 on a 4-year cycle to ensure complete coverage.

Subject Leadership

Staff Lead- Miss Brown

Governor Lead- Moira Browes

Intent, Implementation and Impact


History Progression Map

Mrs Jone’s Mum came into school to talk to the children about her memories of D-Day.

Using Geography in History- finding where the Anglo-Saxons invaded Britain.

Local History session with Mrs Jones.

Hougoumont shipwreck session with Joe.
